Biological Decontamination System
4D Tech Solutions developed a simple dry mix decontamination solution that provides high efficacy against biological agents of concern to the military, while mitigating some of the concerns associated with decontaminants currently available to the military. The hypochlorous acid-based decontaminant was tested against an anthrax surrogate by a certified GLP lab. The testing showed that the 4D decon solution was more effective in killing the surrogate spores than the 20,000ppm high test hypochlorite (HTH) solution commonly used for biological agent decon. 4D Tech also oversaw GLP testing of the product against bacteria required for hospital-grade disinfectant certification.
Most recently, 4D’s decon solution was shown to be effective against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with a kill time of 30 seconds. The ability to mix the dry mix components with tap water greatly reduces the logistics footprint and cost associated with liquid decontaminants.
The advantages of the 4D decontamination solution as compared to other decon solutions include lower corrosivity as the pH is neutral, no residue or hard scale deposits that can render equipment inoperable and a reduction in the amount of raw materials used in the decon solution generation. The 4D Tech decontamination solution provides multiple use cases with demonstrated effectiveness against hard-to-kill bacteria.
Army Research Laboratory
- Technology Development
- Test and Evaluation
- Chemistry